Summer can be tough for a LOT of women. We feel the pressure to look good in little clothing. It’s why this time more than any other is so important to treat your body gently. We owe it to ourselves and to every other woman out there to spread love and lift one another up. Meet food and wellness blogger Angie of Healthful Radiance (@healthfulradiance) who has been a powerful voice for accessing vulnerability and leaning on one’s own definition of beauty. She brings such beautiful honesty to her posts on a daily basis on what self-love and healthy living looks like. Not to mention her recipes are drool worthy and she has the best ways to nourish and satisfy the body without restrictions. I’m so excited to share what Angie has to say about healthy living, skincare, balance and food freedom!

What was your "aha" moment that inspired you to commit to a healthier lifestyle?
When I was 15 I struggled with an eating disorder that completely disrupted my relationship with food, exercise and, most importantly, my body. I was terrified of food, yet I craved. I thought the less of it I had equated to “health”. After a few years, I finally committed to a recovery that called for restoring both my physical AND mental health. It was during this time that I truly began to understand the power of leading a healthy lifestyle!
What does balance mean to you?
Since I come from a restrictive background, balance is a peace of mind I deeply treasure today. For me, it means practicing healthy habits in my daily life that leaves me feeling good, but also leaves room for life to get in the way. Balance allows me to take part in experiences that nurture my relationships and my spirit. I see balance as the freedom to live fully without feeling the need to compensate for it later. I cherish the memories it’s allowed me to make!

What does your current skincare routine look like?
While skincare has never been a strong suit for me, I recently just revamped my whole routine in the hopes of finding some products that will help alleviate dryness and redness. So far, so good! Currently, I swear by the Cocokind chlorophyll mask (which I use twice a week). I also just started using a radiance serum from Odacite, and I mix this into the Aqua Bomb moisturizer from Belief for ultra hydration! Other than that, since my new routine is still, well, new, I have yet to update. I’ll continue to let my community know how this part of my wellness journey goes!
What daily routines or rituals do you follow for your own wellbeing?
I drink tea EVERY single night. Even on the nights I go out and get home pretty damn late. I just adore sipping on something warm before hitting the pillow! I also always stretch before bed. I grew up as a dancer and athlete so stretching is second nature. Even if it’s just a few runner’s stretches, it feels good to get loose!

What do you love most about yourself?
I love that loving myself is no longer uncomfortable, especially all the little things. Opening up about my past pain and the path I took to escape it has been incredibly moving and transformative. At first, I was terrified to be so vulnerable but it’s required such a deep analysis of myself that I feel at peace with who I am. It’s rewarding to discover such a profound strength in past hurt.
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An Interview with Caitlin Greene of @starinfinitefood
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