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Matcha Lemonade

Spring is just around the corner (or so we hope!) and we’re already excited about all the refreshing iced drinks we’re going to sip in the sunshine. Matcha Lemonade is a drink that really tastes like spring to us, and the gorgeous colors of bright green matcha and fresh yellow lemon always brightens our day.


Matcha Lemonade


If you’ve only ever made lattes with matcha, not to worry! Matcha is actually super versatile, and the slightly floral, earthy taste pairs perfectly with the perfectly sweet, bright, and tangy taste of lemonade. If you’ve had an iced tea and lemonade combo before, then you know just how delicious this type of drink can be!

Need a refresher on matcha? We’ve got you! Matcha is a type of green tea that is shade-grown in Japan in order to create a high chlorophyll content, resulting in that incredibly vibrant green color we’ve come to know and love. Unlike regular green tea, matcha leaves are dried then ground into a fine powder, and the leaves are consumed whole vs. steeped and thrown away (like a tea bag), which means we consume more of the antioxidants and vitamins present in the matcha leaves.



 Best part about matcha? Unlike coffee, it gives you a sustained energy boost without the jitters or crash.

Want to see this recipe in action? Check it out on our TikTok @copinaco

Ready to give this Matcha Lemonade a try? Here’s the recipe!



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