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Blackberry Mint Mocktail

Looking for the perfect summer mocktail recipe to add to your collection? We have got you covered! Our Blackberry Mint Mocktail featuring our Citrus Blossom Sea Moss Refresher is not only refreshing and bursting with flavor but is also loaded with the benefits of organic Irish sea moss packed into every serving. It is made with the freshest ingredients and is the perfect hydrating drink to sip on throughout the day. Trust us, when we say this mocktail is about to become your new go-to for a burst of flavor and a boost of wellness.

First and foremost, let’s talk about the star of the show: our Citrus Blossom Sea Moss Refresher from Copina Co. This flavor of refresher contains the zestiest flavor profile of sweet orange and lemon with a hint of coconut and is curated with 200 mg of organic Irish sea moss. Sea moss is renowned for its abundance of essential minerals. With a high quality dose of organic Irish sea moss in every serving, indulging in this mocktail means treating your body to a wealth of essential nutrients alongside a burst of flavor. Learn more about Irish sea moss in our blog here.

Citrus Blossom Sea Moss Refresher

But enough talk about that, let’s make this mocktail!

What would a blackberry mint mocktail be without the vibrant flavor of blackberries? We start by using the freshest blackberries available, ensuring an extra juicy and potent taste. We suggest sourcing your berries out locally and organically. Blackberries are not only delicious but also packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, making them the perfect addition to any beverage. Simply add a generous handful of blackberries to the bottom of your glass, along with a few mint leaves for that extra kick of freshness.

Next, we incorporate our Citrus Blossom Sea Moss Refresher to elevate the zesty flavor profile of the mocktail. The combination of fresh mint, tangy citrus, and the natural sweetness of the blackberries creates a perfectly balanced blend of flavors that is both refreshing and super delicious. Then you are going to muddle the blackberries, mint leaves, and Citrus Blossom Sea Moss Refresher together until relatively smooth, allowing the flavors to meld together seamlessly.

Blackberry Mint Mocktail ft Copina Co Citrus Blossom Sea Moss Refrehser

Fun fact: Our refreshers have the ability to dissolve easily from the juices of the blackberry without the need for any extra water or liquids. 

Once everything is muddled together, add a generous amount of ice cubes to your glass to keep the mocktail cool and refreshing. For a more vibey and aesthetic drink, garnish the outside of the glass with a few slices of lemon, adding a pop of color and citrusy aroma to the drink. After all, drinks do taste better when they’re pretty, right 😉 Finally, top off your mocktail with some sparkling water for a fizzy finish that will tie all of the ingredients together. And that’s all! You have a deliciously fresh Blackberry Mint Mocktail with the added benefits of sea moss ready to be enjoyed.

To truly take your blackberry mint mocktail to the next level, consider experimenting with different variations. For a sweeter twist, try adding a dash of maple syrup or honey to enhance the natural sweetness of the blackberries. For a more tropical flavor profile, you can also swap out our Citrus Blossom Sea Moss Refresher for our Passionfruit Sea Moss Refresher.  The flavors of this combination would really make you feel like you’re out in the tropics sitting under a palm tree!

Copina Co Sea Moss Refreshers

And let’s not forget about the presentation! Serve your blackberry mint mocktail in a fancy glass with a sprig of fresh mint for a picture-perfect presentation. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your garnishes – edible flowers, citrus twists, and fruit skewers are all great options for adding an extra touch of flair to your mocktail.

Whether you’re lounging by the pool, hosting a backyard BBQ, or simply in need of a midday pick-me-up, our Blackberry Mint Mocktail is the perfect beverage to brighten your day and nourish your body. 

If you loved this recipe, check out a few of our other favorite summer mocktails below:

- Beauty Boosting Creamsicle

- Blueberry Jam Matcha Latte

- Brazilian Limeade




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